Dimensional Script

Dimensional Script is a 2D writing system which allows words to be compressed into symbols. The symbols can take many forms while still being legible in both letters and sequence.

Dscript for Text Some Aesop's Fables in Dscript Dscript Notation

Chemistry Script

Dscript for chemistry is an adaptation of dscript that allows molecules to be drawn as dimensional symbols. It is particularly geared toward organic chemistry

Basics of Dscript Chemistry Advanced / Artistic Chemistry Dscript

Universal Script

Uscript is universal logographic language based on math and physics designed to be understandable by any intelligent life in the universe.
There is a huge overhaul to Uscript going on, public on github

Universal Script


Cscript is a compressible computer legible script. A trinary based script with heavy emphasis on being easy to OCR and compressed for dense information


Electronic script

Escript is a writing system optimized for both human handwriting and low resolution pixel matrix display


Arc Script

Arc Script is an experiment in alternative writing tools. It uses a 2 pen tip writing tool that is easy to make and allows a very unique set of symbols and properties.

Arc script


Bscript is a human usable cipher script. It is designed to create a secure cipher that can resist being cracked by using a bit based design and operations easily applied without tools, charts, or computers.


More Scripts and Technology Art

I have more scripts, each designed for a specific application or medium. I also make what I call "technology art" which are functional inventions designed to inspire.


PhysFX are videos generated by chemistry, physics, and electro-mechanical devices. They are free to use for any application or use in your own artistic endeavors with no royalty or fee.

Video Collection

Wire Script

Wirescript is a script designed to be written by bending wires(best with neednose plyers).

Wirescript Manual

Retro styled tech art

I have tons of functional inventions with a nice retro style and novel approaches. These are meant to be artistic and inspirational, but they are still functional real prototypes, not absurd free-energy or other brain fart crap

Tech Art

Nail Script

Nail Script is a script specifically designed to be written with a hammer and nails. Nails are driven and bent with a hammer to create a very durable message

Nailscript Manual
Creative Commons License
Everything on this Website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Eveything (designs, graphics, concepts, etc..) is free to copy, edit use and sell.
You may even use it in a commercial project without any royalty or license fee.